Natural gas is a safe and clean source of energy and used throughout campus, but like any gas, there is potential for it be released unintentionally.

Your response to a natural gas leak will be similar to other emergencies that make an area temporarily unsafe: evacuate.

Remember the 3 Rs:

  • Recognize. The most common way natural gas leaks are detected is by the smell, but you may notice a hissing sound from a connection in a lab or dead vegetation near a buried gas line.
  • React. Evacuate the area immediately. This includes evacuating buildings that may be the source or be bringing the gas in through air handling equipment. Evacuate to an assembly point that isn’t in the area of the leak. Visit the Functional Needs Emergency Information page if you need evacuation assistance.
  • Report. When you are in a safe area, report the leak by calling the Facilities Services emergency number 865-946-7777 or 911.


Responding to a Natural Gas Leak


  • Evacuate
  • Report
  • Provide detailed information to responders


  • Investigate the leak yourself.
  • Turn on or off appliances or any equipment capable of creating a spark including light switches.
  • Stay near the leak or reenter an area until responders have given the “all clear.”